Early on a brisk April morning, the founders of The OptiMystics Citizens Action Network met up with San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative and The City of Monte Vista Public Works Department. The goal? To get the new high-efficiency, dusk to dawn LED lighting installed. Additionally, while Adams Street was closed, the Public Works Department swept, shoveled and cleaned up the entire block. It was an inspiring morning to see our revitalization plans start to come to fruition. Special thanks to both SLV REC and The City of Monte Vista for helping us achieve this milestone.

The next set of pictures are how the new lights look at night. We’ll be working with the local businesses over the next few days to make sure their light switches are turned on.

Funding for this project was made in part by the Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce’s Swoop of the Cranes Art Project and your generous donations to the OptiMystics Citizens Action Network. We deeply appreciate your support.
And there’s still more to come…