The OptiMystics Citizens Action Network hosted Monte Vista’s 2022 Cinco de Mayo Celebration in downtown Monte Vista! We shut down the 100 and 200 blocks of Adams Street, plus 2nd Avenue from Adams Street to the alley ways both east and west, for the day. Nearly 40 vendors, food trucks and local organizations were on hand all day. Lots of exciting things happened throughout the day including a live DJ, face painting, bounce houses, belly dancers, kids crafts/activities, great food & drink and more.
Special thanks to the Monte Vista Journal for providing information about our event ahead of time, as well as a wonderful write up after the event. Editor Brian Williams’ pictures captured the spirit of the day and Journalist Marie McComb’s write up was spot on.

Car Show Information:
Tickets were available for a small donation, so people could vote for their favorite vehicles. People’s Choice determined the winners. First, second & third place vehicles received a plaque, plus a cash prize of $150, $100 & $50, respectively! The plaques were provided courtesy of Rocky Mountain Memorabilia (thank you Lyn).

At 2:30PM, car show participants proceeded out to Home Lake Veteran’s Center, led by the Monte Vista Police Department, for a special drive around, then returned downtown. The veterans had their own Cinco de Mayo Celebration, so the timing was perfect! Our thanks to Pam Self and all the great staff at Home Lake for working with us to help make this happen for our local veterans.

Local Businesses:
Many of our local businesses offered specials throughout the day.
FaeMoon Wolf Designs gave away a gift basket worth $55.
Quincy’s Steak & Spirits offered $2.00 House Margaritas along with their usual Thursday fare of 6, 9, 12 or 15 ounce Filet Mignon Dinners.
American Diesel had a special indoor garage sale throughout the day.
The Vali-3 Theater was open and offered concessions and popcorn through out the day.
Rainbow’s End Thrift Store had a sidewalk sale, offering discounted spring & summer clothing.
The Comm Shack offered 15% off of select 2-way communications devices and accessories, throughout the day.

Other Information:
San Luis Valley Broadcasting was on the air live during the morning. Special thanks to Bob Richards of 96.5 The Fox for covering our event.
Shane Burris of Burris & Sons Bucking Bulls was on hand during the morning with several live bulls.
The San Luis Valley Amateur Radio Association (SARA) set up inside The Comm Shack for the day, demonstrating how Amateur Radio works. They also helped provide communications support for the OptiMysics crew.
Local DJ Pete Garcia returned this year to provide music on the streets, throughout the day. Pete and his crew rocked it once again.

You can see information and pictures of our first Cinco de Mayo event in 2021. It’s estimated that over a thousand people gathered for our inaugural celebration and we had at least that many people show up again this year.
Vendors Included:

Sweet Thunder Face Painting & Art
Get Your Bling On!
Linda’s Chili Connection
Joanns Joyous Nails
DZ Treasures
Robin’s Stained Glass & Handmade Crafts
BZMom Boutique

Event Sponsors:
The OptiMystics are deeply indebted to and very thankful for all of our wonderful sponsors. It is through their acts of generosity and support, that make events like this possible in the first place. If you happen to run into any of our valued sponsors, please thank them too. Local businesses & organizations supporting local events…it just doesn’t get any better!

Join our Facebook Group to stay up to date on all of our plans, meetings, efforts and more.
*Pictures courtesy of The OptiMystics CAN. Logos are property of the appropriate business/organization and used by permission.