There’s an increasingly positive VIBE occurring around town and we’re ecstatic. Monthly Art Walks on Adams Street hosted by a dynamic local business couple. New businesses opening up with still others in the works. Beautiful mural paintings are being commissioned by an engaging local couple who have sponsored two murals and doing the work to find sponsors for more! New and exciting events are taking place with even more being planned or returning to our area next year. Unique Bicycle Racks are being built and painted by local artists; getting installed around the area, and receiving a lot of use. And a new walking track / nature trail on the west side of town and an updated playground in Sanchez Park. There’s a groundswell of talk, activity, pride and real action taking place, all around town. Monte Vista is more than just alive and well, it’s growing!
We were walking down Adams Street recently, in our newly printed shirts and different people stopped us to talk. They recognized the Big Blue O in our OptiMystics logo, from across the street. The feedback we gratefully received let us know that we’re working in the right direction to affect a positive change right here. We even learned of other grant programs available for our downtown revitalization efforts and will be following up on them soon. And SLVGO has offered to work with The OptiMystics to accomplish even more. With their experience and expertise Monte Vista can expect to see some wonderful changes and additions to our charming little city.
We had a local event coordinator reach out to us this month, wanting T-Shirts quickly and we helped get them hooked up with a local business person to supply their needs. Local businesses doing business with other local businesses! And we continue to make these kinds of connections with other local business owners too as they come to us asking how they can participate in the excitement. This is small town networking at its finest.
It is super encouraging to have a proactive City Council and staff that fully stands behind this positive movement. We’re very thankful for their support and assistance and look forward to continuing to bring fresh ideas and concepts to them, not just for discussion, but action.
Our 2nd Annual Beer Fest & Car Show is a mere 2 months away. Join us as we excitedly partner with the Poor Boy Car Club again this year to throw one of the biggest events in Chapman Park, on August 20th. We also encourage you to attend the SLV Potato Festival on September 10th, which as far as we know, is the largest yearly event in Chapman Park.
We will be kicking off another new monthly event in July. The OptiMystics CAN VIBE (Very Important Business Engagement) will start meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM. Our first meeting will be held at Grammy’s Kitchen on the Rain Brews side. Owner, Tina Freel, will be generously donating free finger foods with a cash bar and of course all are all welcome to order from Grammy’s regular menu. Our first honored guest speaker will be Jason Medina, who will give a short talk on the SLV Small Business Development Center and how they can assist local businesses. We appreciate Jason for donating his time and knowledge to help uplift existing and new businesses in Monte Vista. Future speakers will include area business leaders, law enforcement/security specialists, City and County leaders, and more.
In all of this, a slogan that best describes our group, came to us over recently. “Connecting People, Creating Community.” At the end of the day, it really isn’t about us as individuals; rather our organization’s mission as a whole, along with the businesses, the people, and our town that we work with. We’re facilitators, helping to make connections and keeping this positive momentum moving ever forward.
Or course, we welcome you to join us on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month to learn more about who we are, what we do and what we are working to accomplish. We meet at Rain Brews, a part of Grammy’s Kitchen, at 104 Adams Street, at 6:00PM. See you there…