The Monte Vista Bikes & Benches Project is being spearheaded by the OptiMystics Citizens Action Network. Our goal is to place artist created bike racks and benches in convenient locations around Monte Vista, thereby providing locations to safely secure bikes, increase local bike traffic with uniquely designed racks, plus provide convenient places to sit. The OptiMystics sponsored the very first bike rack, placed on Adams Street in February 2022. Special Thanks to the Monte Vista Journal for their print and digital coverage of the first installation.

The second bicycle rack was installed on March 29th in front of the Post Office. A wonderful local couple, Bill & Bernadette Hagendorf, contacted us wanting to sponsor the next rack, which looks totally different from the first one. Our local Postmaster was excited that the post office was chosen by The Hagendorfs for installation. We had a great turnout for this installation and as always appreciate the efficiency of Rob Vance and his Public Works crew, getting the rack set in place. Once again, we deeply appreciate the fantastic coverage from The Monte Vista Journal.

The third and fourth bicycle racks were completed and installed last year. Another local couple, Michael and Marie McColm stepped up to sponsor the third bike rack. And Tara McCarroll, owner of the local H&R Block businesses in Monte Vista & Alamosa sponsored the fourth bicycle rack. These bicycle racks are installed at the skate park and in front of Rainbow’s End Thrift Store (see below).

The fifth bike rack is done and is being painted. And the sixth bike rack has been sponsored by two local ladies and is ready for installation. Our intent is to install both bike racks #5 & 6 on the same day, this summer. These bike racks were being individually created by the late John Patterson, who was a local artist. Here is an interesting article about John, that came out about a month before he passed, and mentions the Bicycle Rack Project.

Bike racks #7 and 8 were just completed and are available for sponsorship. These unique bike racks were made by artist Verla J. Honeycutt, better known as VJ’s Up Cycled Creations. These two very unique creations are available now, to be painted or installed as the are, for a mere $250 donation.

As far as future bicycle racks, there will be no two alike, all are unique designs. We have two more metal work artists on board to keep creating even more bike racks. Each sponsor receives their rack in a raw metal state. Sponsors can choose to display them as is or have a local artist of their choice paint and decorate the racks. Any additional artistic cost will be covered by the sponsor.
As far as the benches portion of this project, we’re working closely with the City of Monte Vista to determine the best approach to this and should have more information soon.
If you, the sponsor, have a place on your property to place the bike rack you will be responsible for securely mounting them at your location. There are also several spots throughout the city that are on city property. Sponsors can choose to locate their bike rack in one of these locations, in which case the City Public Works Department will handle the installation. Each bike rack will have a Bike License Plate with the sponsors and artists name.

Sponsorship is only $250.00 for each one of these unique artistic creations. Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of this wonderful, artistic project Monte Vista. Click here for The Sponsorship Order Form and get yours ordered today. Thank you.