Very Important Business Engagement!
We wrapped up our VIBE series in October with Stephanie Schaefer, Marketing Expert for the Monte Vista Coop. At this time, we’re placing future VIBE gatherings on hold for the foreseeable future. Thanks to everyone who came out in attendance and to all of our special guest speakers.

Most of the videos of past VIBE gatherings are now available to watch on our YouTube Chanel. We’ll continue to upload them as time permits, so check back again.
What an amazing first meeting! We brought together over 2-dozen small business owners, (virtual and brick & mortar); broadcast, print & digital media representatives; and members of the City of Monte Vista. It was an enlightening round-robin discussion, where many shared their thoughts and dreams regarding what they would like to see happen in Monte Vista.
Mayor Dale Becker also announced a new project he and Jennifer are spearheading. This forward thinking idea will feature weekly Monte Vista businesses on the Mayor’s Facebook Page and across social media. Click here for more information and to download the submission form. #MonteStrong

Our first VIBE Meeting was also mentioned by City Attorney Gene Farish, Counselor Martha Lock (our liaison to the city) and Mayor Dale Becker at the July 7, 2022 City Council meeting. Thank you City of Monte Vista for acknowledging our hard work and sharing in all of the excitement. You can watch the video here.
Our second meeting was just as exciting as the first one. Jason Medina, Director of the San Luis Valley Small Business Development Center addressed the crowd with a wealth of information. Afterwards, the crowd peppered him with questions. We’re working on recording these presentations and should have them ready to watch in the near future.

Our third meeting was a little hectic to start, given the last minute change of venue. But Nino’s Mexican Restaurant graciously allowed us to meet in their back room. Tara McCarroll and Michelle Velasquez, both from H&R Block, gave an informative talk on taxes in general, then fielded questions from the audience. You can watch the video here.

Our 4th VIBE Meeting took place on a new day and time, Friday, October 7th. Our guest speaker was Ivette Attencio. She is the Monte Vista Community Officer for the LOR Foundation. Ivette spoke of hew new position as the Community Officer, who the LOR Foundation is and some of the awesome projects they are helping with in our community. Very cool door prizes followed; provided by member Marie McColm. You can watch the video here.

In November, our 5th meeting featured Rio Grande County Sheriff Anne Robinson. She covered a wide variety of topics including the current state of law enforcement, things to be aware of as a business owner, and business safety tips, along with and a live demonstration of how to text SLV E-911. Sheriff Robinson then fielded a host of questions from the audience. It was a very well attended meeting and a great talk by our new Sheriff. You can read more about the meeting in this article in the Monte Vista Journal. You can watch the video here.

December’s VIBE featured Dre Oaks-Jaramillo, the new Executive Director of the Upper Rio Grande Economic Development group. Dre’s talk focused on a brief history of URG-ED, their plans for the future, how they assist in economic development throughout Rio Grande County and more. As a special treat, OptiMystics Co-Founder & world traveler Ken Hamko made a surprise visit to our meeting. You can watch the video here.

We kicked off 2023 with a very special guest speaker Gigi Dennis-Lounsbury, who took over as the City Manager for Monte Vista just over a year ago. Gigi spoke about her time with the city and touched on many of the positive things that have taken place since she began, plus some future plans and challenges. This meeting took place at Stars & Strikes Bowling Alley. Special thanks to Starla and her crew, who did a fantastic job hosting our meeting. And thanks as well to the Monte Vista Journal for covering our meeting. You can watch the video here.

In February we welcomed Bridget Sandoval, Secretary of the Bill Metz PTO. She talked about their fundraising efforts, the state of the PTO now, where they would like to be in the future and even had a special announcement. Starting next school year, their PTO group will cover the entire Monte Vista School District. You can watch the video here.

In March we welcomed Jeff Lycett, Vice President & Chief Lending Officer of RG Bank to the stage. Jeff covered a wide array of topics including RG Bank’s history in the community, business banking security, loan options and a series of questions from the audience. You can watch the video here.

In June Azarel Madrigal, Executive Director of the 1st Southwest Community Fund let this in attendance know about some of the various programs offered by their non-profit organization, followed by lots of questions from the audience. You can watch the video here.

In July, Larry Roberts, Owner/Broker of Roberts Group Real Estate gave an interesting talk on the state of real estate in the San Luis Valley from both the residential and commercial perspective. He then took questions from the audience on such topics as unit availability, property taxes and more.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you know when new VIBE videos are available for your viewing pleasure.
2022 Speakers Included:
- July 8th – Introductory meeting hosted by The OptiMystics.
- August 2nd – Jason Medina, Director, SLV-SBDC.
- September 6th – Tara McCarroll, Master Tax Advisor, H&R Block
- October 7th – Ivette Attencio, MV Community Officer, LOR Foundation.
- November 4th – Anne Robinson, Sheriff, Rio Grande County Sheriff’s Office.
- December 2nd – Andrea Oaks-Jaramillo, URGED Executive Director.
2023 Speakers Include:
- January 6th – Gigi Dennis-Lounsbury, Monte Vista City Manager.
- February 3rd – Bridget Sandoval, Bill Metz Elementary PTO.
- March 3rd – Jeff Lycett, Vice President & Chief Lending Officer, RG Bank.
- April 7th – OptiMystics CAN!
- May 5th – No VIBE. It’s Cinco de Mayo in downtown Monte Vista!
- June 2nd – Azarel Madrigal. Executive Director, 1st Southwest Community Fund.
- July 7th – Larry Roberts, Owner/Broker, Roberts Group Real Estate.
- August 4th – No VIBE.
- September 1st – Bob Richards, Owner, KSLV-Radio. Radio Marketing 101.
- October 6th – Stephanie Schaefer, Monte Vista Coop. Digital Marketing 101.